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NGN Helps County Close Budget Gap

NG&N recently assisted Citrus County in addressing severe projected budget shortfalls through the development of an alternative revenue manual and the implementation of a fire assessment program, a stormwater municipal service taxing unit, and a utility profit transfer.  NG&N is also currently assisting the County in the development of neighborhood roadway maintenance and paving assessment programs.

Declining property values, dwindling reserves, an ongoing ad valorem valuation dispute, and stagnant growth left Citrus County facing severe budget shortfalls.  After reaching out to NG&N, Heather Encinosa prepared a “Revenue Analysis For Citrus County,” which identified numerous alternative revenue options with the goals of diversification of the County’s revenue mix, broadening the “tax base” of the County, and promoting accountability in budgeting.  As a result of this guidance, the County selected several of the revenue options for implementation.  Most recently, on July 23, 2013, the Board of County Commissioners voted to implement its first fire assessment program, which will generate about $5,000,000 for the County.

“We turned to … NGN for innovative suggestions and solutions…. We consider this team of experts in their field to be an integral part of this program’s success,” said Richard Wesch, County Attorney.

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