Public Utilities Law
In addition to its unparalleled experience assisting local government clients with acquisition or divestiture of utility assets, Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson, P.A., has many years of hands-on experience in the daily representation of water and wastewater utility systems for Florida governments. In addition, we serve local governments in matters relating to natural gas, electric, water and wastewater utilities such as franchise and contract disputes, territory disputes, rate challenges and other matters, including representation before the Florida Public Service Commission. Additional experience includes drafting of ordinances, policies, and agreements of all kinds, as well as representation before various regulatory bodies. NG&N also has assisted county and city governments in municipalization efforts, franchise matters, matters relating to the siting of electric and telecommunications facilities and addressing other issues relating to government dealings with investor-owned utilities.
NG&N represents the Florida Governmental Utility Authority (the "FGUA") as Utility Counsel in its management of major water and wastewater utilities owned by the FGUA. The formation of the FGUA was a creative and novel response to the desire of local governments to acquire utility systems located in multiple Florida counties.
NG&N also possesses a demonstrated and unique expertise in the development and implementation of legally defensible water and wastewater developer agreements, refundable advance agreements, connection fees, special assessments and other techniques which may be used to grow a government’s utility business.
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